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AudioTalaia Homelabel it's a space to develop, publish and release works on experimental electronic sound. The label was born from the Edu Comelles project, "Talaies Sonores". Translated on the english as Sound Overview, the aim was to play on open spaces electronic experimental sound.
Audiotalaia seeks for artists interested on developing their projects on sound landscapes. We look after large and steady sound, pads, drones and reverbered objects. We enjoy listening wide open sound structures with a digitalized root or using field recordings, you can listen to the different releases to figure out what's the sound that audiotalaia looks after.
We specially recommend to listen Ryonkt and it's first release at Audiotalaia called Transparence, probably it's a great example of the kind of sound we love. Of course without missgiving all the other releases that as well are really good examples of what we like.

Audiotalaia Homelabel it's the digital presence of TALAIES SONORES. founded by Edu Comelles...

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